When you take out a car insurance policy with Budget Insurance, as part of our general policy conditions you will be required to conform to our five main obligations.
These obligations form part of your insurance contract and the insurance provider will only provide you with the cover detailed in the policy documents providing you and the other drivers on the policy comply with the conditions.
Please see below a brief overview of our five obligations. You can find out more about them in your policy documents.
Obligation 1 – taking care of your car
- Your car must be kept in a roadworthy condition
- Your car must have a current MOT certificate, if applicable
- You must take all reasonable care to make sure you protect your car against loss or damage
Obligation 2 – your duty to disclose information
- You must make sure that you have answered all our questions truthfully
- You must tell us straight away about any changes to your details
Obligation 3 – accidents and claims
- You must tell us of any accidents or losses relating to the car that is insured, or any other incident or loss which may lead to a claim by you, insured driver or by a third party
- You must tell us if you or anyone driving the insured car receives a notification of a prosecution, an inquest or a fatal accident enquiry
Obligation 4 – fraud
- You must not make any false or exaggerated claims
- You must not give us any false or inaccurate information that affects your policy about you or any other drivers or the insured vehicle
Obligation 5 – other insurances
- If you make a claim and there is any other insurance covering the same liability, the cost must be shared by all the insurance providers involved. The share to be paid by each insurer will be determined either by the appropriate court or by agreement between the insurers involved.