We understand that our customers want more than just great value cover; they also want peace of mind.
Green Cards are no longer required for proof of insurance when driving in the EU. Click here to find out more
Insurance providers offer lots of different add-ons and it can be pretty confusing making sense of what they are and why you might need them.
Budget Insurance are a UK based insurance intermediary who, to date, have helped almost three million customers across the country find simple, flexible insurance products.
We offer car and van insurance policies with different levels of cover designed to meet today’s busy lifestyles. For our motor insurance policies we work with a UK network of leading insurers and for our life insurance policies we work with a selected insurer so you can be sure you’re getting great cover, at a good price.
Budget Insurance Services was founded in 1996 and is a trading name of BISL Limited. Registered Office: Pegasus House, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YS. Registered in England No. 3231094.
We know that as well as great insurance you also want peace of mind and the reassurance that your homes, vehicles and lives are protected. For our motor and home insurance policies we offer a 24/7 claims helpline should you need us. If you need to view or download your policy documents, or make changes to your policy why not log into the My Account, any time of day or night.
We’re currently experiencing a high volume of calls into our contact centre and whilst we are doing our very best to maintain service levels, we ask that you only call our contact centre if absolutely necessary so we can keep our phone lines available for vulnerable customers and those who don’t have access to online services.
If you need to check any details or make a change to your policy, please log in to your Self-Service Centre. It will be much quicker for you to make changes to your policy online at the moment. Once logged in, you can also use our Webchat service which is available Monday- Saturday 8am-6pm and Sunday 10am-4pm to make changes, accept or decline your renewal or if you need to let us know about a claim. To log in, please click here.
We also have some other information that may be useful. Click here to read our FAQ’s, and information on what we are doing to support key workers can be found here.